Things To Remember Before Hiring an RoR Web Development Company

Ruby on Rails also known as RoR is an open source Web Application Framework. RoR has a strong Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. This language makes web designing simple, enabling the user to easily get started. When compared to other languages and frameworks, Ruby On Rails makes web application development easier and more efficient.

Before, creating web based designs and applications was a difficult task that used to take up several months, now with custom software development using Ruby on Rails, a RoR Web Development Company can create applications as per your needs.

Key Points to Look out for in RoR Development Company

There are only a few software development companies in India using RoR platform for developing custom application for their clients. Out of these only some have the expertise required to work with ease on the RoR platform. Some of the key points to look out for while hiring a RoR web development company are

1) Expertise with Ruby on Rails

Expertise in developing highly interactive and efficient ROR based application should be the first criteria while selecting an custom software development company.

Since, Ruby on Rails is a relatively new platform, there are only few software developers who are thorough with its use. Experience and expertise are the two parameters that differentiates a good Rails Web Development company from an average one.

2) Experience matters

The company should have minimum 2 years of experience with Ruby on Rails (2.x & 3.x). RoR is in itself a relatively new platform and a company having the necessary experience can be trusted with your application development requirements. The quality of projects handled, also defines a company’s stand in the RoR web development industry.

Excellent communication and written skill while dealing with the client and, during Custom Software Development phase is also an important factor.

Check whether the RoR Development company has developers with experience in payment gateway integration in Rails. As, you may want the application to give access to recurring payments, have the ability to credit your customer’s account, the ability to void a payment and have a way to store the users payment details (such as Authotize.nets CIM).

The developer in the RoR web development company should have working knowledge of technologies like jQuery, which is a multi-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the scripting of HTML from your side, HAML (HTML Abstraction Markup Language) which is a lightweight markup language that is used to describe the XHTML of any web document without the use of traditional inline coding. Also, experience in TDD (Test-driven development, BDD (behavior-driven development), RSpec (a behavior driven development (BDD) framework for the Ruby programming language), Mysql (a popular choice of database for use in web applications), Postgresql (is an object-relational database management system – ORDBMS) and MongoDB (an open source document-oriented database system)

The RoR web development company should also have deployment experience on Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and Heroku servers (a cloud platform as a service (PaaS) supporting several programming languages).

Experience in Creating, maintenance and scaling of SAAS, PAAS, IAAS applications is a must have for any RoR web development company providing custom software solutions.

Agile web development experience using SCRUM techniques is also necessary because it break tasks into small increments with minimal planning so that you get the desired result soon.

If you want to hire quality RoR Development Company, then the above mentioned points are to be strictly followed. You should take into consideration their skills, expertise, and infrastructure support, and find the one which can develop the application according to your specific needs. Following the steps precisely will give you enough leverage in finding the best in the business.

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