
Agile Softwareentwicklung verstehen

Deigned for the fast-paced, high-competitive business world, Agile methodology offers a nimble framework for rapid delivery of business value. Rapidly moving market means, shorter delivery cycles and more responsiveness and that’s exactly what Agile delivers. The agile process weaves software development seamlessly to fit the model with its weekly sprints, stand-ups, planning, and feedback. Unlike …

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RailsCarma – Ein Ruby on Rails Offshore-Entwicklungsunternehmen in Indien

RailsCarma – A Ruby on Rails Offshore development company in India RailsCarma is a one-stop solution based Company/organization for Ruby on Rails Offshore development & business solutions. We help enterprises revolutionize and flourish in a dynamic world through strategic consulting, operational support, and creating innovative solutions by developing, deploying and managing applications and websites. Having been in the software …

RailsCarma – Ein Ruby on Rails Offshore-Entwicklungsunternehmen in Indien Weiterlesen »

Top 10 Tools/Ruby Gems für den schnellen Aufbau von Social-Networking-Sites

The world is social. Where art thou? In the attention-drive world, social media rules the roost. So, it is no wonder if you have been bitten by the social networking bug and want to develop a social networking site. If you are contemplating the best platform for developing a social media site, then Ruby on …

Top 10 Tools/Ruby Gems für den schnellen Aufbau von Social-Networking-Sites Weiterlesen »

Das MIT hat ein neues Debugging-Tool für Ruby on Rails entwickelt

A new Ruby on rails debugging tool developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) researchers is a breakthrough technology. This tool provides improved security for programs written in Ruby on Rails. When the researchers tested on 50 web application written in RoR, the debugging tool took just 64 seconds to scan any single app. This …

Das MIT hat ein neues Debugging-Tool für Ruby on Rails entwickelt Weiterlesen »

6 Gründe, Ruby on Rails (RoR) zum Erstellen von Webanwendungen zu wählen

Since getting launched officially in 2004, ‘Ruby on Rails’, ‘RoR’ or ‘Rails’, has been creating a buzz and revolutionizing the tech industry. Forming the mainstay of many popular websites like Groupon, Amazon, CNET and Scribd, Shopify, Airbnb, Twitch, SoundCloud, Ruby puts major emphasis on “Convention over Configuration.” With RoR, you can accomplish more with less. …

6 Gründe, Ruby on Rails (RoR) zum Erstellen von Webanwendungen zu wählen Weiterlesen »

Zerschlagung der Ruby on Rails-Mythen

Even though Ruby on Rails is a very popular framework for programming, there are a lot of myths shrouding the framework because of which some businesses deprive themselves of this amazing web development framework. Although usually myths do have some grain of truth to them, these myths listed about Ruby on Rails couldn’t be farther …

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Holen Sie mit Bullet in nur 3 Schritten mehr aus Abfragen in Rails heraus

Have you ever opened a closet only to have all the inside contents fall all over you? In the programming setting, this is called as “spaghetti code”. These are the kind of codes that are so jumbled that as soon as you make a little change, everything starts falling apart. As much as it is …

Holen Sie mit Bullet in nur 3 Schritten mehr aus Abfragen in Rails heraus Weiterlesen »

Überwachung der Anwendungsleistung mit New Relic

You have had a great idea, you got it developed, deployed it and have customers vying to buy it. But then suddenly it all stops! The reason is the slow running of your application. With the market littered with thousands of applications, a slow application is a sure-shot recipe of disaster. No matter how amazing …

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7 Reasons Why Ruby on Rails is Massively Popular Among Developers?

On the pretext of sounding like overzealous teenagers, let us tell you that Ruby on Rails is hot, massively hot! Known as ‘Ruby on Rails’, ‘RoR’ or ‘Rails’, Ruby on Rails is a rapid web development framework developed in high level programming language called as Ruby. The best part about Ruby is that it offers …

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