
Die zugrunde liegenden Vorteile von Ruby on Rails für die Webentwicklung

This 2018, it might be safe to say that the Ruby on Rails is one of the hottest topics. Since we experienced the era of the digital transformation, the web development has rapidly excelled and it opens doors of opportunities for not just for the developers but also for the entrepreneurs. The Ruby on Rails …

Die zugrunde liegenden Vorteile von Ruby on Rails für die Webentwicklung Weiterlesen »

6 Vorteile von Ruby On Rails, die es start-up-freundlich machen

Ruby on Rails is an MVC (Model-View-Controller) based open-source code framework used for developing web applications. While there are several advanced software available for the purpose, since its release in 2004, Ruby on Rails has gained immense popularity and is slowly becoming the go-to choice of web development framework for businesses, small to large. Many …

6 Vorteile von Ruby On Rails, die es start-up-freundlich machen Weiterlesen »

Rails Development Expert

Wie kann Ihnen ein erfahrener Rails-Entwickler dabei helfen, die Entwicklungsstunden zu reduzieren?

Internet has fast-paced the way we do business and the advent of technological advancements like Web 2.0 have necessitated the websites to get built in the shortest possible times and stay updated with the latest technology. In short, the project time has become an increasingly important factor in deciding your choice of technology and the …

Wie kann Ihnen ein erfahrener Rails-Entwickler dabei helfen, die Entwicklungsstunden zu reduzieren? Weiterlesen »

Ruby on Rails E-Commerce: Warum nutzen Online-Shops Ruby on Rails für eine schnelle Entwicklung?

With a year-on-year double-digit growth in the e-commerce market, the online shopping trend has witnessed enormous increase in popularity in past few years. With such growth, the competition is also becoming fiercer. Considering the challenge of dominating the e-commerce landscape in such a competitive age, the retailers are leaving no stone unturned with new strategies …

Ruby on Rails E-Commerce: Warum nutzen Online-Shops Ruby on Rails für eine schnelle Entwicklung? Weiterlesen »

7 Punkte, die Sie bei der Einstellung der Ruby on Rails Development Company beachten sollten

Technical recruitments are trickier than one may imagine. Whether it is on part of a business seeking technical services or the service providers, they can end up building a wrong or a misfit partnership resulting in the wastage of resources and efforts. At time, there are technical service providers who claim to provide superior services, …

7 Punkte, die Sie bei der Einstellung der Ruby on Rails Development Company beachten sollten Weiterlesen »

Why Choose ruby-on-rails for web development

Warum sollten Sie sich 2018 für Ruby on Rails für die Entwicklung Ihrer Web- und mobilen Anwendungen entscheiden?

In the changing technological landscape, it can be a challenge to predict as to how long will the current trends last. So, the big question is that with the advent of new technologies, whether Rails will continue to remain relevant for full-stack web application development in 2018 and beyond. From our perspective, there is no …

Warum sollten Sie sich 2018 für Ruby on Rails für die Entwicklung Ihrer Web- und mobilen Anwendungen entscheiden? Weiterlesen »

Carmatec unterzeichnet Technologiepartnerschaft mit Dubais dynamischem neuen Start-up eFatoora; Wir sind bereit, neue Wege in der digitalen Technologie zu beschreiten

BANGALORE, India, March 9, 2018, Carmatec — In another strategic move to expand business in the digitally ‘fertile’ Middle Eastern soil, the multinational digital transformation business Carmatec has announced that it has signed a partnership agreement with the Dubai-based Tech Startup, eFatoora. The collaboration is focused around leveraging emerging technologies such as Blockchain on high-impact …

Carmatec unterzeichnet Technologiepartnerschaft mit Dubais dynamischem neuen Start-up eFatoora; Wir sind bereit, neue Wege in der digitalen Technologie zu beschreiten Weiterlesen »

Ihre Checkliste für die Einstellung des besten Ruby on Rails-Entwicklers

Ruby on Rails is a popular choice of framework for developing web applications, especially among startups and small businesses. So, if you have chosen RoR for your upcoming application, great but what about the RoR developer? Afterall, an application is only as good as the code, and by extension the web developer. When hiring a …

Ihre Checkliste für die Einstellung des besten Ruby on Rails-Entwicklers Weiterlesen »

Metamagic 101 – Einführung, Installation und Nutzung

Metamagic gem is a RoR plugin for creating and managing meta tags. It auto-generates the meta tags dynamically throughout and cuts down the need for writing it every time. In addition to the regular meta tags, metamagic also supports custom tags, OpenGraph (Facebook) and Twitter Cards. It is a critical factor to consider while developing …

Metamagic 101 – Einführung, Installation und Nutzung Weiterlesen »
