The client provides workflow, process management, archival and reporting for the approval and compliance verification of advertisements, specifically within the financial services industry .
- Die Anwendung erledigt Folgendes für den Client:
- Enable users to sign up for free/paid account.
- One click AD approval – Users can view and approve ads with one click via direct email links instantaneously.
- Ads can be securely approved from any computer or device connected to the internet by anyone who is granted access through a secure web address.
- Each organization is assigned a customizable, secure web address and can safely grant personal access to anyone inside or outside the organization.
- Client does the audit preparation. It grants auditors temporary access to all past advertisements and allows them to make notes for improvement.
- Extensive bug fixes of existing application
- Integration of new module to existing application
Finance Institution, US
Aufgewandte Arbeitsstunden
700+ Stunden
- Ruby 1.9.2,Rails 3.2.6, Haml/Sass/JS.
- Gems – Devise, paperclips, aws-sdk ,jquery-rails, capistrano,haml,ransack,ancestry,delayed_job_active_record’, rufus-scheduler
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