Online Database For US
Country Government Offices


The product created is the most accurate internet database of county government offices in the United States. Use our site to locate your county assessor, board of elections, chamber of commerce, child support offices, colleges, coroner, courts, and much more, with all relevant details.


The client approached us with the requirement to build an extensive B2C search based application that would provide access to vast resource of government offices’ contact information (telephone number, address, email and fax numbers and county clerk websites) and Court record information in each of 50 states of United States of America.



Search Functionality

This is the most distinguishing feature of the application and therefore, it is made to be intuitive and user-friendly and find precise results in a short response time. Hence search engine platform and data architecture forms the core infrastructure of this application. The application is optimally engineered to facilitate access to information, not to record and store transactions. The application has two main resource types – County/Government offices and Public Records. County Offices search page has the option to ‘Search by County Offices’ and ‘Search by Public Records’.

Geo Location

The landing page represents a map with pins of various government offices within 20 miles radius around the location of the user who is accessing the website. The application has the feature to identify the location of the user based on the user’s system IP address and zoom into the same location on map.
(Rails Gems employed: GeoCoder.)

Contact Us & Advertisement Action Forms

Apart from the standard static pages such as About Us, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Contact Us, the Home page also leads to ‘Advertise’ page where ‘advertisement form’ can be used by end-user to fill in personal details and submit an email to website administrator to request for advertising on the website. Also, the Contact Us form has Google map integration and ability to send email to Administrator on form submission.

Admin Content Management System

The website administration comprises of a back-end data/content management panel to monitor or control the website content. Administrator can login to the panel through Login link available on the home page. The Super-Admin for the application is created through back-end, who can, in turn, create many admins. The admins have the access to the dashboard, which is the landing page for them, showing them the following data for both County Offices and Public Records: Total number of categories, Total number of offices under each category, Total number of locations. This allows them to manage State/County/City, manage categories for County Office/ Public Records and manage records for County Offices/Public Records. Apart from that, the access to the Content box allows the admins to manage descriptions in the hierarchical order of Records->City->County->State->Category->Type-County office or public record.

API Integration with the Parent Application

The product application needs to interact with its parent application to fetch data and display in search results. The APIs are developed and integrated with the product to fetch the data.


Online Database For US Country Government Offices

Aufgewandte Arbeitsstunden

1600+ Hours


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