E - Learning Portal
Requisito de negocio
E-learning Portal aimed at providing technical education to the needy, especially to technology education institutions at an affordable cost. The E-Learning portal is designed to provide online technical lessons/tutorials to institutions/individuals.
- The application handles the following for the client-
- Enable users to sign up for free/paid account.
- Access the lessons as per the account type.
- Hands-On learning via the interactive portal.
- Online Payment.
Client has chosen us the development partner for this application due to the technical expertise and years of experience in developing scalable, user-friendly applications in RoR. We provided the end-to-end solution for the client’s requirement in the form of a highly scalable and responsive application, which enables the end-users to have hands-on learning experience via tutorials and videos.
E - Learning Features
- GUI driven lesson management
- Highly interactive learning platform where the end-users can experience the feel of virtual classrooms
- Online billing platform for the end-users
- Google Analytics to measure the user-hits
- Hosted on Heroku Cloud
E-Learning Portal
Horas hombre invertidas
600+ Hours
- Ruby 1.9.2,Rails 3.2.13, Html/Css/JS.
- Gems – devise, paperclips, aws-sdk.
- API integration of the platform with Google Analytics.
- Spreedly payment System and Amazon s3.
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