RailsCarma Blogs

Make sure to browse through our blogs and leave comments. We keep posting exciting stuffs about happenings at RailsCarma, share tips and tricks for RoR, pen our thoughts on the ideas we believe will shape the future of Ruby on Rails and lots more!

Sinatra Ruby Framework

Sinatra Ruby Framework: Key Benefits for Developers

Ruby offers a wide range of frameworks, but Sinatra stands out as a lightweight, flexible option for developers seeking simplicity and efficiency. Here, we explore …

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Ruby vs Golang Which Language to Use

Ruby vs Golang: Which Language to Use in 2025?

As the software development landscape continues to evolve, developers are often faced with the choice of which programming language to adopt for their projects. In …

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20 Best Ruby Testing Frameworks for 2025

20 Best Ruby Testing Frameworks for 2025

Testing is a crucial aspect of any software development process, ensuring that the application is reliable, robust, and performs as expected. Ruby, with its clean …

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How to Use the Ruby Map Method With Examples

How to Use the Ruby Map Method With Examples

Ruby is a powerful programming language, and one of its most versatile and commonly used methods is the map method. Whether you’re transforming arrays or …

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Las 10 principales API de Blockchain para desarrolladores en 2025

Las 10 principales API de Blockchain para desarrolladores en 2025

Blockchain technology continues to revolutionize industries, and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) make it easier for developers to integrate blockchain functionality into applications. Here’s a look …

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Guía para la declaración del caso Ruby

Guía para principiantes sobre la declaración de casos en Ruby

The case statement in Ruby is a versatile and powerful tool for handling multiple conditions in a clean, readable format. Whether you’re a beginner or …

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Dominio de Ruby Heredocs

Dominando Ruby Heredocs: Simplifique su código con cadenas de varias líneas

Ruby Heredocs offer an elegant solution for handling multi-line strings, simplifying code readability and management. Whether you’re creating dynamic templates, writing SQL queries, or generating …

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Las 20 principales aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en 2025

Las 20 principales aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en 2025

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved rapidly over the past few years, becoming a cornerstone of innovation across various industries. By 2025, AI is expected to …

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Novedades de Ruby on Rails 8

Novedades de Ruby on Rails 8

Ruby on Rails (RoR), a powerful and beloved framework for web development, is gearing up for its much-anticipated version 8 release. Known for its convention-over-configuration …

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