Ruby Splat Operator

Guide to the Ruby Splat Operator: Single and Double


The Ruby splat operator (*) is a powerful and versatile tool that can significantly simplify your code. Whether you’re dealing with arrays, method arguments, or even hashes, the splat operator helps manage variable-length arguments and transform data structures with ease. In this guide, we’ll explore the single splat (*) and double splat (**) operators, demonstrating their use cases and providing practical examples to help you master them.

1. Understanding the Single Splat Operator (*)

The single splat operator (*) in Ruby is used primarily for two purposes: handling variable-length arguments in methods and expanding arrays into a list of arguments. Let’s break down these use cases.

1.1. Variable-Length Arguments in Methods

In Ruby, you can use the splat operator to allow a method to accept an arbitrary number of arguments. This is particularly useful when you don’t know how many arguments will be passed to the method.

def greet(*names) names.each { |name| puts "Hello, #{name}!" } end greet("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie")


  • En saluda a method can accept any number of arguments, thanks to the splat operator.
  • En names parameter is converted into an array, allowing you to iterate over it.

1.2. Array Expansion

The splat operator can also be used to expand an array into individual elements. This is useful when you want to pass elements of an array as separate arguments to a method.

 def sum(a, b, c)
  a + b + c 
numbers = [1, 2, 3] puts sum(*numbers)


  • En *numbers expands the array [1, 2, 3] into individual arguments 1, 2, 3.

1.3. Combining Arrays

The splat operator can be used to concatenate arrays in a concise manner.

arr1 = [1, 2, 3] 
arr2 = [4, 5, 6] 
combined = [*arr1, *arr2] 
puts combined.inspect


  • En *arr1 y *arr2 expand their elements into a new array, resulting in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

2. Exploring the Double Splat Operator (**)

The double splat operator (**) is used to handle keyword arguments in methods. It allows you to pass an arbitrary number of keyword arguments to a method and to work with hashes that represent those keyword arguments.

2.1. Handling Keyword Arguments

When defining a method, you can use the double splat operator to capture all keyword arguments passed to the method.

def print_details(**details) 
 details.each do |key, value| 
puts "#{key.capitalize}: #{value}"
end print_details(name: "Alice", age: 30, city: "New York")


  • En print_details method accepts any number of keyword arguments, which are captured in a hash called details.

2.2. Passing Hashes as Keyword Arguments

The double splat operator can also be used to expand a hash into keyword arguments when calling a method.


def print_person(name:, age:, city:) 
 puts "Name: #{name}, Age: #{age}, City: #{city}" 
person = { name: "Bob", age: 25, city: "Chicago" } 


  • En **person expands the hash into the keyword arguments name: "Bob", age: 25, y city: "Chicago".

2.3. Combining Keyword Arguments and Hashes

You can combine explicit keyword arguments with a hash of additional keyword arguments using the double splat operator.

def create_user(name:, **options) 
 user = { name: name }.merge(options) 
 puts user.inspect 
create_user(name: "Eve", age: 28, email: "")


  • En create_user method accepts a mandatory nombre keyword argument and any number of additional options.
  • En options hash is merged with the nombre to form a complete user hash.

3. Combining Single and Double Splat Operators

In some cases, you may need to combine both the single and double splat operators in a single method to handle both positional and keyword arguments.

def configure(*settings, **options) 
 puts "Settings: #{settings.inspect}" 
 puts "Options: #{options.inspect}" 
configure("verbose", "debug", timeout: 300, retries: 5)


  • En configure method accepts an arbitrary number of positional arguments (settings) and keyword arguments (options).
  • This allows for flexible method calls that can handle various combinations of inputs.


The single (*) and double (**) splat operators are indispensable tools in Ruby for managing method arguments and working with arrays and hashes. By mastering these operators, you can write more flexible, concise, and readable code. Whether you’re expanding arrays, handling variable-length arguments, or managing keyword arguments, the splat operators make your aplicación rubí more powerful and expressive.

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