
Consejos para contratar a los mejores desarrolladores de Ruby on Rails

Consejos para contratar a los mejores desarrolladores de Ruby on Rails

El mundo se ha conectado y todo el mundo está intentando crear sitios web, aplicaciones móviles, ampliar sus sitios web existentes o desarrollar aplicaciones web de misión crítica, etc. En resumen, la Web es un pastel enorme y todo el mundo quiere una parte de él, y todas las industrias luchan por conseguir una parte de este tentador pastel estableciendo una presencia en línea.

Configuración de Jenkins para RSpec y cobertura de código

This article depicts the accomplishment of the objectives of the integration that impacts delivering software faster with no bugs, the issues confronted and the proposed upgrade to convey smooth and qualitative Software. The key goals hereby, are to develop confidence to modify code and validate it quickly, to be in a position to perform tech …

Configuración de Jenkins para RSpec y cobertura de código Leer más »

Realice un seguimiento de los cambios en los datos de su modelo con Paper Trail Gem

Paper trail lets us track all the changes in the models data for the purpose of its editing and versioning. By using this gem, we can see how a model looks, at every stage of its life-cycle and we can take it back to any version of the model data and we can even undo …

Realice un seguimiento de los cambios en los datos de su modelo con Paper Trail Gem Leer más »

Almacenamiento en caché de rieles con gema dalli

Dalli is a high performance pure Ruby client for accessing memcached servers. It works with memcached 1.4+ only, as it uses the newer binary protocol. MemcacheMemcached is a quick in-memory protest reserving framework that can make Rails run much quicker with not very many changes.Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for little pieces of discretionary …

Almacenamiento en caché de rieles con gema dalli Leer más »

Uso de Gon Gem con Javascript y Rails

Using Rails data as a part of javascript is an extremely regular need, particularly for Javascript applications such as Angular, Ember and SPA. If it is a small amount of data, we can directly assign it to the ruby variables. From rails view:Ex:- HTML: ; $(‘#user’).val(); HTML data attribute: <%= content_tag “div”, id: “posts”, data: …

Uso de Gon Gem con Javascript y Rails Leer más »

Gema de refactorización de código - Flay

Keeping your code elegant and no code clones while building up a vast Rails application can be a significant test, notwithstanding for an accomplished developer. Fortunately, there is a gem that make this code refactoring much simpler. For a great many people, dead/wasteful code will develop after some time. Others will find themselves in such …

Gema de refactorización de código - Flay Leer más »
