
Programación de eventos recurrentes con Ice Cube Gem

Ice_cube is a ruby library for effectively taking care of repeated events (schedules). The force lies in the ability to indicate multiple rules, and have ice_cube rapidly make sense of whether the schedule falls on a specific date (.occurs_on?), or what times it happens at (.occurrences, .first, .all_occurrences). How to get ice cube For install …

Programación de eventos recurrentes con Ice Cube Gem Leer más »

Razones por las que React Native es el futuro

Siempre estamos detrás de las actividades de proceso 'Rápido' si se trata de dinero o tiempo. IOS y Android son los dos sistemas operativos dominantes en la actualidad tienen todo el mundo móvil. Los desarrolladores crean aplicaciones para ambas plataformas que ofrecen una experiencia de usuario mejorada, o aplicaciones que son rápidas en el desarrollo y ejecución en múltiples plataformas y ...

Razones por las que React Native es el futuro Leer más »

¿Qué hace que las empresas emergentes estén tan entusiasmadas con Ruby on Rails?

One of the hottest technical trends in 2016, Ruby on rails has turned out to be an ideal web application framework. This can be attributed to its user-friendliness, flexibility, efficient content management, speedy web process and customization. Not to forget, its low cost advantage since it is freely available. No wonder why the majority of …

¿Qué hace que las empresas emergentes estén tan entusiasmadas con Ruby on Rails? Leer más »

Gemas de rubí básicas y útiles para el desarrollo web.

The framework of Ruby on Rails is a tool extremely powerful in the development of web applications. It has many built-in features such as object-relation mapper and intelligent routing that accelerate web applications development. Rails is specifically designed to have an easy extension with use of Ruby gems. A huge ecosystem of Ruby gems has …

Gemas de rubí básicas y útiles para el desarrollo web. Leer más »

¿Cómo puede beneficiar Ruby on Rails a sus aplicaciones web?

What are some of the major ingredients that spell success for an organization? Among other things, efficiency is one of the essential elements that can help an organization succeed in this fast-paced moving world. Everyone wants to maximize efficiency and your software development too should push you ahead instead of pulling you back. Ruby on …

¿Cómo puede beneficiar Ruby on Rails a sus aplicaciones web? Leer más »

Ruby on Rails: escalando su aplicación para un crecimiento rápido

Scaling the growth of an app has been a really intimidating topic nowadays. Most of the internet resources and blog posts are revolving around scaling Ruby applications. It is very interesting to know what is the ceiling and how much Ruby on Rails can achieve for the rapid growth of applications. Scaling increases Not by …

Ruby on Rails: escalando su aplicación para un crecimiento rápido Leer más »

Guía paso a paso para construir su primera gema de rubí

Nowadays all the functionalities in Rails are built as Ruby gems. For example we can use devise gem for the authentication part of the application. It’s like a package or library that is written in Ruby programming language. Moreover it can be imported and used by others in their programs. Step 1 Bundler is like …

Guía paso a paso para construir su primera gema de rubí Leer más »

Rubí vs PHP

With more and more applications being built every day, programming languages too are becoming generic and all-purpose. Every programming language comes with its own set of specialization, and comparison between one programming languages to others may seem like a comparison between apples and oranges. However, comparison between two programming languages may offer you insights that …

Rubí vs PHP Leer más »
