
¿Cómo cambiar el tiempo máximo de ejecución de PHP en Virtualmin?

Virtualmin is a Webmin module for managing multiple virtual hosts through a single interface, like Plesk or Cpanel. It supports the creation and management of Apache virtual hosts, BIND DNS domains, MySQL databases, and mailboxes and aliases with Sendmail or Postfix. It makes use of the existing Webmin modules for these servers, and so should …

¿Cómo cambiar el tiempo máximo de ejecución de PHP en Virtualmin? Leer más »

¿Cómo utilizar rack middleware en rieles para autocompletado?

In today’s modern web applications auto completion/ auto suggestions are very common right from a small to very large applications, serving up multiple requests simultaneously with quick response from the server is very important to make the user experience better and enjoyable. Here is where rack middleware comes in the picture. What is Rack Middleware? …

¿Cómo utilizar rack middleware en rieles para autocompletado? Leer más »

¿Cómo configurar una aplicación Rails en el dominio principal con Passenger?

Here are the steps to set up a Rails Application on Main Domain with Passenger : Upload your application to the server using either ftp/sftp or SSH or if you have your application under version control, checkout or clone your application to a folder in your home directory. Next, we need address apache/passenger about your …

¿Cómo configurar una aplicación Rails en el dominio principal con Passenger? Leer más »

Desarrollo de Ruby on Rails: ¿cómo hacerlo ágil?

The rapidly accelerating pace of technology change and a desire to achieve a competitive edge are forcing a growing number of organizations to re-evaluate the conventional approach of simply tossing resources at various enterprise projects and challenges. Agile Development which puts software development on the front burner focusing on broader and deeper collaboration along with …

Desarrollo de Ruby on Rails: ¿cómo hacerlo ágil? Leer más »

Beneficios de contratar una buena empresa de desarrollo web

It is only a web development company which can give you a unique pulpit that is your very own website to make profits online. Without a website it is impossible to sell goods or services online and earn thousands of dollars as profits. Your website works as your online business stall displaying all the different …

Beneficios de contratar una buena empresa de desarrollo web Leer más »

Desarrollo de software personalizado con RailsCarma

RailsCarma specialize in offering software development services to companies considering outsourcing the development of Web applications, Mobile Applications, hosting platform automation and other projects. In the past 11+ years in the industry, we have enabled various organizations to retain their businesses with their valuable clients whom they would have lost due to lack of experience …

Desarrollo de software personalizado con RailsCarma Leer más »

¡Metodología de desarrollo desde el ángulo del desarrollador!

Development Methodology according to a developer is to use the following path for Ruby on Rails application development. 1. Write down a list of goals, roles, and features Goals – what the goals of the whole project are – business and otherwise. This will help you decide what features are important Roles – who is …

¡Metodología de desarrollo desde el ángulo del desarrollador! Leer más »
