Articles techniques

Déploiement de Capistrano avec Subversion

Capistrano Deployment Capistrano is a tool used for automation of the application deployment process. Capistrano is mainly used for deploying rails apps. Changes made to the rails app can be easily transferred to the server using cap deploying. Capistrano can be configured with any version control system like SVN / GIT for deploying an app. …

Déploiement de Capistrano avec Subversion En savoir plus "

InstaCarma sera présent à HostingCon'10

InstaCarma is the brand under which Carmatec IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd., the parent company of RailsCarma as well, provides technical support and server management services. InstaCarma is going to HostingCon 2010, the premier conference and trade show for the hosted services industry, to be held in Austin, Texas from July 19th-21st. We’ve purchased booth space …

InstaCarma sera présent à HostingCon'10 En savoir plus "

Développement piloté par le comportement (BDD)/Cucumber

Behavior Driven Development describes a cycle of interactions with well defined outputs, resulting in the delivery of working, tested software that matters. With BDD, you create executable specifications, not tests. You want to look at what your code does, not the internals of how it does it. This method of development is mainly about visualizing …

Développement piloté par le comportement (BDD)/Cucumber En savoir plus "

Déploiement d'une application Rails avec Capistrano et Phusion Passenger

Deploying a rails application onto the servers is a complicated task when performed manually, since it needs us to login to the servers, upload the code from the local system every time and maintain the backup of the updates if we want to revert. The process consumes a lot of time and we need to …

Déploiement d'une application Rails avec Capistrano et Phusion Passenger En savoir plus "

Graphiques dans Rails

We have been working on a project that deals with server data where charts are worth a thousand words. I always get requests for various charts and in the past I’ve used Gruff to produce them. Gruff is a great library and the results look good too! However, recently I’ve have had more demanding requirements to provide more dynamic behaviour on the charts. Users wanted to be able to interact with the charts in various ways and drill down to gather more information.
