
Intégration de Paypal dans l'application Rails

Paypal is an e-commerce based web application, which transfers the amount between two accounts. Almost all US-based companies use paypal for there receiving and doing the payments.Lets see how to integrate this service in rails application in different steps. Note: I have tried these steps in development mode, on my local machine. It works fine …

Intégration de Paypal dans l'application Rails En savoir plus "

How to install Rails 3.2.3?

This release changes the default value of config.active_record.whitelist_attributes to true. This change only affects newly generated applications so it should not cause any backwards compatibility issues for users who are upgrading but it may affect some tutorials and introductory material. Rails 3.2.3 also introduces a new option that allows you to control the behavior of …

How to install Rails 3.2.3? En savoir plus "

Comment installer et configurer RVM ?

Ruby Version Manager allows you to install and manage several different versions and implementations of Ruby on one computer, including the ability to manage different sets of RubyGems. It is a command line tool which allows us to easily install, manage and work with multiple Ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems. Hello, Kinldy …

Comment installer et configurer RVM ? En savoir plus "

Comment intégrer Google Analytics dans l'application Rails 3 ?

Google Analytics is a great tool to present statistics on your websites performance. Installing Google Analytics into a Ruby on Rails app is pretty straight forward, however, the key is to only execute the analytics script in Production environment. Without doing this, you will end up counting page views and visits on all your environments, …

Comment intégrer Google Analytics dans l'application Rails 3 ? En savoir plus "

Engine Yard – La prochaine plateforme cloud

Engine Yard is one of the leading development and deployment platform for the cloud. With a unique combination of Ruby on Rails Expertise, operations automation, open source community involvement, and world class service. Engine Yard empowers businesses to build and run cloud based applications easily and cost effectively. More than 2,200 customers, from explosive growth …

Engine Yard – La prochaine plateforme cloud En savoir plus "

Comment utiliser l'API LinkedIn dans les applications Rails ?

LinkedIn  provides 2 APIs: The JavaScript API is a rich client library enabling you to build dynamic applications in the web browser. Use OAuth 2 to easily authorize users via the “Sign In with LinkedIn” button, access LinkedIn data with native objects, and interact with Plugins. The REST API provides a simple, consistent representation of …

Comment utiliser l'API LinkedIn dans les applications Rails ? En savoir plus "

Heroku- The official cloud platform for Facebook

Platform-as-a-service provider Heroku’s launch of an Facebook Application Package was aimed to help companies build Facebook applications using Heroku’s platform more easily. Heroku enables businesses to easily build, deploy and scale their applications, and Facebook has been the most popular social platform fPlatform-as-a-service provider Heroku’s launch of an Facebook Application Package was aimed to help …

Heroku- The official cloud platform for Facebook En savoir plus "

Choses à retenir avant d'embaucher une société de développement Web RoR

Ruby on rails also known as RoR is an open source web application framework. RoR has a strong Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. This language makes web designing simple, enabling the user to easily get started. When compared to other languages and frameworks, Ruby On Rails makes web application development easier and more efficient. Before, creating web based designs and applications was a difficult task that used to take up several months, now with custom software development using Ruby on Rails, a RoR web development company can create applications as per your needs.

Configurer Nginx pour l'hébergement de l'application Rails

Nginx est l'un des rares serveurs écrits pour résoudre le problème C10K. Contrairement aux serveurs traditionnels, Nginx ne s'appuie pas sur des threads pour gérer les requêtes. Au lieu de cela, il utilise une architecture événementielle (asynchrone) beaucoup plus évolutive. Cette architecture utilise des quantités de mémoire faibles, mais surtout prévisibles, sous charge.
