Articles techniques

Implémentation de TinyMCE dans Ruby on Rails

TinyMCE is an excellent platform-independent web-based Javascript/HTML editor control, which is highly useful for those who want to allow their users to edit HTML documents online. It is mainly designed to integrate with Content management systems, including WordPress, Drupal etc easily. It is a rich text editor that outputs HTML, making it really easy to …

Implémentation de TinyMCE dans Ruby on Rails En savoir plus "

Les bases de la création et de l'utilisation de modules dans Rails

Ruby on Rails est un merveilleux framework d'application Web open source full-stack privilégiant la convention plutôt que la configuration. Grâce à des composants réutilisables et facilement configurables normalement utilisés pour la création d'applications, la création d'applications dans Rails est plus rapide et plus facile, ce qui entraîne une amélioration de la productivité et de la croissance de l'entreprise. Il gagne du terrain auprès des développeurs car il est flexible, évolutif et simple à utiliser…

Les bases de la création et de l'utilisation de modules dans Rails En savoir plus "

Associations polymorphes avec enregistrement actif

An exceptionally productive web application framework, Ruby on Rails is optimized for programmer delight and sustainable output. It favours convention over configuration and thus lets you write beautiful code without worrying too much about the conformation. There is an increasing demand for Ruby on Rails because of its speed and agility in building applications with …

Associations polymorphes avec enregistrement actif En savoir plus "

Un moyen simple d'augmenter les performances de votre application Rails

Developing a application and optimizing its performance should go hand in hand but mostly the due to achieve the deadlines and complete the features in a project the scope of optimization reduces and the optimization is kept for the end (which is not a good practice) and other factor such as lack of experience and …

Un moyen simple d'augmenter les performances de votre application Rails En savoir plus "

Mise à l'échelle des applications avec plusieurs connexions à des bases de données

Business requirements keep changing day by day and we always keep optimizing or scaling our applications based on the usage, new feature additions or subtractions. Over all the agile development adds challenges every now and then. Applications depending on databases can be scaled by separating the database layer and scaling it independently. The OPS team …

Mise à l'échelle des applications avec plusieurs connexions à des bases de données En savoir plus "

The Tool For Processing Big Data – Hadoop

In our previous blog we learned that the platform that processes and organizes Big Data is  Hadoop. Here we will learn more about Hadoop which is a core platform for structuring Big Data and solves the problems of utilizing it for analytic purposes. It is an Open Source software framework for distributed storage and distributed processing …

The Tool For Processing Big Data – Hadoop En savoir plus "
