IT Security

Exigence commerciale

Client provides the market place for IT security which acts as the interface to communication between business users and the testers. Business users are the application developers or the owners for the developing/developed applications. They can post their applications for testing by creating programs, testers will be able to access the programs to test and testers will be rewarded based on the complexity of the bugs found.


Client has chosen us the development partner for this application due to the technical expertise and years of experience in developing scalable, user-friendly applications in RoR. We provided the end-to-end solution for the client’s requirement in the form of a highly scalable and responsive application, which enables the end-users register their applications and testers will manually test the application.

IT Security - Communication Features


IT Security Company, Australia

Heures de travail passées

200+ Hours

Les technologies

Les détails des clients sont protégés par un NDA strict et, par conséquent, nous ne divulguons pas ces informations. Cependant, nous pouvons vous fournir des références une fois que vous faites une demande.

Nous vous aidons à moderniser votre
Portefeuille d'applications

Apprenez à faire évoluer votre entreprise plus facilement et plus rapidement

Intéressé par les services RailsCarma
