Archives : Portefeuille


Idem TV

Project Description DittoTV is an online TV application consisting of many live TV channels of different regions which are available on subscription. The application also provides users with huge VoD content like movies, previous TV shows episodes of selected channels and large number of video clips on free sign up.The application is completely API based …

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Conception pour la santé

Project Description It is an automated multi-domain ecommerce application built using Spree framework for the practitioners in US wherein you can create as many stores as you want on the fly choosing the banners, colors, payment gateway, shipping method etc. from its backend. It offers a full feature set and is built on common standards, …

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Réseau de jeux des enseignants

Project Description Teachers gaming network is an interactive online platform for teachers where they can come, collaborate , create questions, create games and do much more. Features User register and login and profile management Membership Management Add a new question, search and add questions which others have created and view questions. Create, customize and play …

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Patient Pro Esanté

Project Description Patient module which gives a self-service option to the patient when it comes to billing and insurance, setting up appointments, managing reports, documents and consultation history . Features Profile Management Appointment Management Waiting List Management Payments Management. Reports and Documents Management. SOAP Notes Management. Insurance Management and Medial History Management.. Deployment This is …

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Project Description Basically this application used for advertising any kind of products and mainly divided into two modules – 1. Website and 2. Site Manager. This application has developed purely on Ruby on Rails with Mongoid database and high quality ajax, jquery have been used. Some of the important modules of this application are add …

BCS En savoir plus "

Mon club de design

Project Description My Design Club is basically a one page survey application for universities where students can take survey for every year. Survey questions are separated into different sections and formats. After taking survey students can see their results and share it in social networking sites. Before leaving site they are allowed to give feedback …

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Administrateur Ehealth

Project Description To manage a huge SAAS application like this we cannot skip the idea of having a dedicated admin panel to control and automate the application. So we integrated full-fledged admin panel into the application. Features User(Clinics) Management. Query Management. Admin Management. Product Management. Email and Notifications Management. Google Analytics etc. Deployment This is …

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Project Description A social networking web based application that Answers the fundamental questions for a user. Where do you want to go, with whom and why these businesses are suggested for you. It primarily lists businesses across categories for a user based on user preferences, ratings. A number of API for pulls from external sources, …

Ucliq En savoir plus "

Projet Titan

Project Description Patient module which gives a self-service option to the patient when it comes to billing and insurance, setting up appointments, managing reports, documents and consultation history . Features Profile Management. Appointment Management. Waiting List Management. Payments Management. Reports and Documents Management. SOAP Notes Management. Insurance Management and Medial History Management. Skills JS/Jquery/AJAX My …

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Description du projet Le projet Workflow est le premier du genre à attribuer des tâches aux utilisateurs par administrateur. Un flux de travail se compose d'un nombre variable de nœuds interconnectés les uns aux autres. L'administrateur crée l'arborescence du flux de travail en choisissant différents types de nœuds. Création de tâches hiérarchiques et affectation à l'utilisateur. Les modules couverts dans l'application sont l'utilisateur…

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