Boutique de commerce électronique Spree

Exigence commerciale

The client wanted to create an online Ecommerce stores for the Health Care Professionals residing in US so as to provision them an online store within minutes giving them the access to their inventory of nutritional products at the same time.


Railscarma provided a highly interactive and scalable solution for the same using the popular framework called Spree(built using ruby).

Practice Benchmarking Features


Professional brand based out of US offering their services to Health Care Professionals and their patients through referral by providing comprehensive support through their extensive line of nutritional products, their research and education division.

Heures de travail passées

1500+ heures

Les technologies

Les détails des clients sont protégés par un NDA strict et, par conséquent, nous ne divulguons pas ces informations. Cependant, nous pouvons vous fournir des références une fois que vous faites une demande.

Nous vous aidons à moderniser votre
Portefeuille d'applications

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