Développement de portail Web

Exigence commerciale

The client’s aim was to provide an online portal for the residential apartments to manage the daily maintenance requests/tickets .The Web Portal will allow individual apartment buildings to sign up for in order to streamline their day to day workflow as well as CRM (Client Relationship Management).


Client has chosen us the development partner for this application due to the technical expertise and years of experience in building web-apps and community portals. We developed the application as a crisp, easy-to-use service portal for apartment owners and tenants.

Web Portal Development Features


Inline ajax-based editing for all CRUDS.

Heures de travail passées

550+ Hours

Les technologies

Les détails des clients sont protégés par un NDA strict et, par conséquent, nous ne divulguons pas ces informations. Cependant, nous pouvons vous fournir des références une fois que vous faites une demande.

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