Ruby On Rails Development Company In Singapore
Looking to build a iteratively develop rich web application for your business ? Then ruby on rails is an answer for you. Rails provides you the fantastic tooling and features that will surely helps you to deliver more features in less time. It also provides a standard structure for web apps and it’s framework is pretty much startup friendly, flexible and well-supported as it abstracts and simplifies all the common repetitive tasks. Railscarma as a top ruby on rails development and consulting company in Singapore est impliqué dans l'exécution des projets Rails de bout en bout et grâce à nos compétences et notre talent en matière de développement, de formation et de déploiement, nous contribuons activement à la communauté Rails.
Hire the best Ruby on Rails Development Company in Singapore
We have almost decades of experience in creating a wide range of innovative and world-class web applications with the best talented pool of Ruby on Rails developers who have worked on a variety of projects across different industries and are helping large corporations and start-ups to build, maintain and scale web applications faster and at lower costs. We follow Agile Software Development Methods such as Scrum and Extreme Programming, and love contributing to open source projects.We have developed robust ruby on rails applications for clients globally.Our consultant services covers value programming and proactive project management practices in order to deliver great web applications, no matter what issues may arise.
Technologies utilisées
- Gestion de contenu : Refinery Cms, Rails_admin, Locomotive AND Active Admin.
- Bases de données relationnelles Open Source (MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL)
- Systèmes de gestion de bases de données NoSQL (Redis, MongoDB)
- Travailleurs d'arrière-plan (Resque et Sidekiq, Rails Background Worker)
- Kickass Front End Interfaces - HAML, YAML, SASS et CoffeeScript
- HTML5 / CSS3
- AngularJS et Jquery
- Interfaces réactives et Bootstrap
- Outils de test : RSpec, Shoulda Matchers, Selenium WebDriver, Database Cleaner
Nous avons une grande expérience des outils liés à Ruby on Rails.
- Heroku, Merb, Rake, JRuby, Passenger, Cucumber, Bundler, RSpec, et plusieurs autres outils pour accélérer le développement de Rails.
- Editeurs RadRails, Ultaedit, Scite
- Git, SVN Client Tortoise SVN
- Déploiement Capistrano
Nous fournissons le développement logiciel Ruby on Rails le plus innovant.
We believe in concepts like Convention over Configuration and DRY(Do not Repeat Yourself). We follow Agile development methodology which saves you time and money. We have an agile talented Ruby on Rails programmers and UX/UI designers team working round the clock and follows the best coding practices covering code coverage, code review and code optimization techniques. We use tools like basecamp and redmine for better project and communication management. We have industry best Quality Assurance processes in place and we are very particular about the quality of the service delivered to you.