

PagerDuty gives you an overall view of all your monitoring alarms and alerts in one place. Let’s have a look at the key attributes of this expedient plug-in: Serves as a Monitoring aggregation tool PagerDuty serves as an alarm aggregation and dispatching tool for the system administration and support teams. While collecting the alerts from …


Sviluppo delle rotaie: convenzioni di codifica e migliori pratiche

What’s in a name A good name answers important questions. What does it contain? What does it mean? How would I use it? What  role  does  it  play? Always name your methods based on their behaviour, not implementation. Consider, By looking at the method name above, we can predict it’s going to perform 2-3 database …

Sviluppo delle rotaie: convenzioni di codifica e migliori pratiche Leggi altro »

7 cose su Ruby on Rails che lo rendono unico

With the world of IT constantly spawning new and innovative web development technologies, what makes Ruby on Rails still relevant and popular? The answer to this question majorly lies in all the efficiency Rails adds to a project, that leads to establishing productivity and profitability for your web application/software development project. So, when the business …

7 cose su Ruby on Rails che lo rendono unico Leggi altro »

Tips for Rails Developers to ramp up the Development

If you are a startup particularly interested in rapid web development processes available cost-effectively or you are a developer who in interested in learning a developer-friendly technology, you must have heard about Ruby on Rails. It is an open source framework based on Ruby programming language. Not only is this technology user-friendly from development point …

Tips for Rails Developers to ramp up the Development Leggi altro »

Come ottenere il parallelismo con Ruby MRI con thread associati a I/O

Language is not only used by people but even websites are using it. The language is one of the main problems that programmers are facing especially when Ruby’s is the matter. The performance that Ruby’s gives can be one of the reasons why programmers would not want to use the language. Because of the complaints …

Come ottenere il parallelismo con Ruby MRI con thread associati a I/O Leggi altro »

Blog RailsCarma in Feedspot I 30 migliori blog di Ruby On Rails

RailsCarma’s blog has been selected as one of the Top 30 Ruby On Rails Blogs on the web by Feedspot, a San Francisco based company offering an RSS feed reader that is a popular replacement of the Google Reader. It is noteworthy that Feedspot has recently released reportedly the most comprehensive list of Ruby on …

Blog RailsCarma in Feedspot I 30 migliori blog di Ruby On Rails Leggi altro »
