Fitness Delivery Marketplace

Requisito di business

In general, the fast-food chains, more commonly known as quick service restaurants, are only starting to dip their toes into the technology sector, so when we were approached for a web application aimed at fast-food, we readily took this challenge. The requirement was of an application which would allow the buy and sell of food businesses, buy and sell of fast food catering equipment, listing of products and services aimed at fast food business and advertising jobs to find relevant employees. In short, the application would be B2B centric and would cater to all-things fast-food.


Client provided a highly interactive and scalable solution for the same using the Ruby on Rails technology – Ruby programming language with Rails framework along with the elastic search gem for robust search of the listings in various categories. With an Admin portal to manage the operations of the site. Includes additional quality attributes of Responsiveness which works well across all devices and screen sizes i.e. tablets, phones and desktops.

Food Delivery Marketplace Features


eCommerce Company,United Kingdom

Ore uomo impiegate

2000+ Hours


Ruby On Rails Gems

I dettagli del cliente sono protetti da una rigorosa NDA e pertanto non divulghiamo tali informazioni. Tuttavia, possiamo fornire referenze una volta effettuata una richiesta.

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Portafoglio di applicazioni

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