Requisito di business
Il cliente desiderava sviluppare un sistema di gestione dei contenuti (CMS) per la gestione dei video che vengono inviati a più applicazioni web. Il CMS viene utilizzato per caricare video su vari dispositivi di archiviazione come Amazon s3 e supporta più formati di file.
- Gestione utenti
- Allow users to upload and watch videos.
- Allow admin to review uploaded videos.
- Allow users to ingest meta data.
- Allow admin to approve, reject and publish video.
We made use of the APIs provided by the client to upload and manage videos. The CMS is using API methods like http_link, ftp_link, http_upload, ftp_upload, http_download to manage videos and OTT API for uploading meta data.
Video CMS Features
- Designed with ace bootstrap.
- Highly secured. Only owner and admin can see the video.
- UI is more user-friendly.
- Configured in FTP server.
Product Based Company, India
Ore uomo impiegate
900+ Hours
- Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.13, Html/CSS/JS.
- Integrated with ACE bootstrap.
- Gems – devise, paperclips, aws-sdk,mysql2,capistrano,httparty,Apache,passenger.
- API integration with client API
- Amazon s3 storage.
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