Ruby on Rails Technology Stack
Ruby On Rails .
Ruby Versions
- Ruby Version 3.2.0
- Ruby Version 3.1.2
Rails Versions
- Rails Version 4.*
- Rails Version 5.*
- Rails Version 6.*
- Rails Version 7.*
Ruby On Rails .
Testing Tools
- RSpec
- Shoulda Matchers
- Capybara
- Selenium WebDriver
- SimpleCov
- Database Cleaner
- FactoryGirl
Authentication / Authorization
- Ideare
- Omniauth
- Esperto
- Authlogic
- Posso posso
Background Jobs
- Richiesta
- Delayed Jobs
- Redis/Sidekiq
Rails Serach
- Meta_search
- Solr
- Elastic Search
- Sunspot
- Thinking Sphinx
- Kaminari
- Will paginate
- Ancestry
- Acts as tree
- Whenever
- Resque Scheduler
Content Management
- Refinery Cms
- Rails_admin
- Locomotiva
- Amministratore attivo
Database Adapters / Clients
- Pg
- MySQL2
- Tiny tds
- PostGIS
- sqlite3
- Mongo id
Gateway di pagamento
- Active Merchant
- Paypal
- 2Checkout
- Braintree
- Stripe
- Razorpay
- Breadcrumb on rails
Image Processing
- Rmagick
Upload / Storage
- Graffetta per fogli
- awssdk
- dragonfly
- CarrierWave
- jqueryfileuploadrails
Debugging / Maintenance / Security / Cache
- Debugger
- Better Errors
- Dalli
- New relic
- Recaptcha
- Public_activity
- Capistrano
- Heroku
Parser (Scraper)
- Nokogiri
Other Major Gems
- Rubyzip
- Resque Scheduler
HTTP Request
- Httparty
- RestClient
- Typhoeus
- Paypal
- Kahuna
Spree create user
Spree blogs
Spree SEO
Integration with FTP
HiDrive for storage -
Google Auth
Hull Social Login
Integration - Google Maps
E Commerce-Spree
Spree Gateway, Spree auth devise, Spree multidomain, Spree static content, Spree admin bar, Spree export, Spree recently viewed, Spree reviews, Spree comments, Spree product assembly, Spree wishlist, Spree email to friend, Spree suppliers, Spree related products, Spree reorder, Spree chimpy, Spree social, Spree user groups, Spree importer, Spree loyalty points
Cloud Stocks
- Azure
- Digital Ocean
Ruby On Rails .
- Rails 6 to Rails 7
- Migrating rails 6 application to rails 7
- Migrating all old data to new DB data
- Implementing GIS
- Implementing GIS in Rails apps using the PostGIS application
- Showing all GIS data on Google Maps, taking from PostGIS
- Multi Language Support
- Supporting multiple language feature for static as well as dynamic data
- Migrating Database
- Migrating Mysql application to Postgres
- Migrating Mysql Database to Postgres
- Implementing GIS
- Implementing GIS in Rails apps using the PostGIS application
- Showing all GIS data on Google Maps, taking from PostGIS
- Implementing Dot Density Map
- Showing dot density superimposed on an area in Google Maps