Ruby と Python、スクリプト作成のウィザード

Ruby と Python はどちらも高速で強力です。どちらの言語もプログラミング コミュニティで高く評価されています。何がそれらを区別し、何が開発者に一方を他方よりも選択させるのかが、今日のトピックになります。


Ruby と Python はどちらもサーバーサイドのスクリプト言語であり、次のことに重点を置いています。 シンプルさに向けて取り組んでいます 急速な発展 つまり できる限り少ないコードを記述しながら、より速いペースで作業を完了できます。 These scripts abstain from verbose code, strict hierarchy patterns, and syntax correctness for focussing more on the Object Oriented behaviour. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it??!
Both are in high demands among the start-ups focused on developing web apps as these are the developer-friendly scripts, giving you the desired results in fewer coding efforts. Both these languages are interpreted languages which implies that there’s no need to use a compiler, unlike C++ or Scala.


Ruby と Ruby on Rails フレームワーク

1995 年に導入された Ruby は、そのルーツが深く根付いています。 オブジェクト指向の概念, majorly influenced by C++, Perl and Java. Ruby is an ideal choice for collaboration, speed and business where you can act as fast as you think!
It’s preferably used from Web Development to get the complex, high traffic sites and apps up and running in no time. One of the main principles that Ruby stands on, is 「より少ないリソースでより多くのことを実現」、開発者に 自由 そして 柔軟性, by letting them code in the style they find comfortable, with the same optimal results.
Ruby when combined with Rails gives a developer a superpower, called as 宝石. These are external libraries, that come bundled with functionalities that most of the websites seek, like Login/Registration (done via Devise Gem), thereby saving a Developers’ time, and letting them focus more on the functionalities that need their expertise.
Now let’s talk about some of the popular websites built using Ruby,

  • ベースキャンプ (正しく聞こえました、カーマテシア人!)
  • Twitter (Ruby を使用して考案)
  • GitHub (万歳、私の中の開発者よ!!)
  • エアビーアンドビー

Rubyist である私が Ruby を愛する理由は、そのシンプルさです。選択肢が豊富にあるため、自分が選んだ方法でコーディングする余地が得られます。つまり、開発者にとってフレンドリーで、簡単に習得でき、楽しく学ぶことができます。

Ruby クラスの例:
ruby vs python

Python と Django フレームワーク

Python のすべて 効率 そして サポート for applications that require heavy calculations, which are the basic needs for any application that has to do with Data and Science. When coupled with Django, Python enables super-fast development.

Python is usually preferred for academic and scientific programming, it has a huge collection of libraries to work with, which makes it the best for the websites that are high on data-usage and where dealing with high-traffic is a major concern. It works well for websites with a lot of Math, big data and calculations. It is actively used by Data Scientists for prototyping and data analysis. The working principle in Python is 「物事を行うためのたった一つの正しい方法」.

Python offers you ample of code readability and speed to work with and it is easy to learn, a bit conservative, stricter than Ruby and efficient – all at the same time! The developers usually love Python for its stable nature and fewer needs for updates – thereby being consistent, wherein you don’t constantly have to worry about deprecations and warnings.

Some major apps built on Python, are:

  • YouTube
  • インスタグラム
  • スポティファイ
  • レディット
  • ビットトレント

Python クラスの例:
ruby vs python 2

It makes sense to conclude with the fact that Ruby and Python are both fast and effective and both have their own followers. It all boils down to how you want to model your Website or Application.
If your app is going to need a lot of processing logic, dealing with large amounts of data, Python will be your best bet. On the other hand, if you want fast results, which deal elegantly with heavy-traffic, Ruby is your God.

I hope this article helped you learn something new!


Signing off,

Ruby on Rails 開発者 




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