Rails 開発者が開発を強化するためのヒント

If you are a startup particularly interested in rapid web development processes available cost-effectively or you are a developer who in interested in learning a developer-friendly technology, you must have heard about Ruby on Rails. It is an open source framework based on Ruby programming language. Not only is this technology user-friendly from development point of view but the best part about using it is the shortened development cycle and the efficiency it imparts to your projects. If you’ve just been introduced to this technology – whether as a startup or as a developer, it is important for you to know that this platform makes use of Model-View-Controller architecture pattern […]

Rails 開発者が開発を強化するためのヒント 続きを読む »

Ruby と Python、スクリプト作成のウィザード

Ruby and Python, both are fast and powerful. Both languages are highly appreciated in the programming communities. What sets them apart, what makes a developer choose one over the other, is going to be our topic for the day! Let’s talk about the similarities first ! Ruby and Python are both server side scripting languages, with their focus on simplicity, working towards rapid development i.e. getting things done at a faster pace while writing as little code as possible! These scripts abstain from verbose code, strict hierarchy patterns, and syntax correctness for focussing more on the Object Oriented behaviour. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it??! Both are in high demands among the

Ruby と Python、スクリプト作成のウィザード 続きを読む »

I/O バインドされたスレッドを使用して Ruby MRI で並列処理を実現する方法

Language is not only used by people but even websites are using it. The language is one of the main problems that programmers are facing especially when Ruby’s is the matter. The performance that Ruby’s gives can be one of the reasons why programmers would not want to use the language. Because of the complaints about the performance about Ruby’s, it only shows that the framework is getting behind from other frameworks that are used by programmers today. Even though those issues have happened because of Ruby’s, it is easy to use. The question will always be, how can you reach parallelism with Ruby’s MRI? To answer, the best solution

I/O バインドされたスレッドを使用して Ruby MRI で並列処理を実現する方法 続きを読む »

Feedspot の RailsCarma ブログ Ruby On Rails ブログ トップ 30

RailsCarma’s blog has been selected as one of the Top 30 Ruby On Rails Blogs on the web by Feedspot, a San Francisco based company offering an RSS feed reader that is a popular replacement of the Google Reader. It is noteworthy that Feedspot has recently released reportedly the most comprehensive list of Ruby on Rails blogs and their panelists have selected RailsCarma as one of the top-30 Ruby on Rails blogs available on the world-wide-web. As a reward to recognize RailsCarma’s contribution to the Ruby on Rails community, Feedspot has presented RailsCarma with a badge of “Top 30 Ruby on Rails Blog” which the website can now display on

Feedspot の RailsCarma ブログ Ruby On Rails ブログ トップ 30 続きを読む »

Rails で Ruby Logger を使用するにはどうすればよいですか?

The Logger class, as the name suggests provides Logging functionality to jot down important points that you can use to output different kind of messages. The messages can be of different severities aka levels; LEVEL SUMMARY UNKNOWN Unknown messages are the unexpected or random messages and they should always be logged. FATAL An error that was not handled and could lead to program crashing ERROR An error that can be handled WARN A warning INFO Generic information about the usage from the code being executed DEBUG Information that was deduced during debugging The order goes like; debug < info < warn < error < fatal < unknown They work as;

Rails で Ruby Logger を使用するにはどうすればよいですか? 続きを読む »

e コマース ストアに Spree Commerce を選ぶ理由は何ですか?

Spree Commerce is a popular open source software based on Ruby on Rails that e-commerce businesses are increasingly considering to base their online store on. If like these businesses, you are also considering it, here are some of the advantages of using Spree for your e-commerce store, that you’ll enjoy, on opting for it: Advantages of using Spree Commerce for your online store Spree has a lean code base and it, therefore, helps you build a lightweight storefront. Using just about 45K lines of code, it makes all the processes related to operation and development smooth for you. Spree takes care of the server requests rather quickly and it can

e コマース ストアに Spree Commerce を選ぶ理由は何ですか? 続きを読む »

最適な Ruby on Rails 開発アウトソーシング プロバイダーを選択するための基準

One of the most exciting frameworks for creating web applications, Ruby on Rails has been the developers’ delight in true sense of the term for well over a decade now. It takes a thorough expert to make the most of this versatile and extremely customizable framework for developing a feature-rich web application that promises to perform well in the market. While it is always an option to hire a Ruby on Rails developer for building your application on full time or freelance basis, the need to avail proven expertise at affordable and realistic rates compels small businesses starting with reasonable budgets to explore outsourcing partnership options. So, are you looking

最適な Ruby on Rails 開発アウトソーシング プロバイダーを選択するための基準 続きを読む »
