Ruby On Rails teknisk ledare
RailsCarma is looking for a passionate Ruby on Rails Technical Lead to manage our dynamic team. Not only will you have the chance to make your mark as an established Ruby on Rails lead, but you will also get to work and interact with seasoned professionals deeply committed to revolutionize the RoR development scenario.
Erfarenhet: 5+ år
Location: India
- Will be responsible for communicating/coordinating directly with the client via Skype, Web meeting and Email.
- Analyse client’s requirements and prepare technical specifications for implementations.
- Slutföra uppgifter baserat på plan, krav och schema som godkänts av chefen.
- Will be responsible for technical implementation in projects.
- Should Lead the team technically.
- Develop product and its elements as per specifications received from the client.
- Monitor and resolve reported problems and bugs at the project level.
- Establish and comply to performance metrics at team level.
- Work with QA Leads & Testers to improve code quality and adherence to project schedules.
- Provide technical advice to other roles on component architecture.
- Acquiring required technical & domain knowledge of the product & its elements.
- Estimate tasks, define detailed schedules, evaluate technologies, develop prototypes, Contribute to design issues.
- Assist with and/or create project plans and the management of resources.
- Assigned large and/or complex technical projects to team members.
- Interact regularly with off-shore Team Lead and on-shore Leads to solve complex problems, provide technical and non-technical solutions and recommendations.
- Assist with the management for technical planning, design, development, testing and deployment of projects.
- Ensure that projects are completed to a high-quality standard, on time and within budget.
- Maintaining good documentation of tasks status.
- Schemalägg och prioritera uppgifterna för ett litet team för att främja effektiv användning av tid och maximera produktiviteten.
- Monitor progress against schedule. Determine when additional initiative is required to meet scheduled work and proactively undertake it.
Nödvändiga färdigheter
- 5+ years of experience in developing ruby applications.
- Ability to lead a team of developers.
- Analyze, design, develop and support complex applications.
- Designa och utveckla komplexa moduler i Ruby on Rails.
- Technical team mentoring- Conduct code reviews, provide technical mentoring, ensure proper architectural oversight, and define the criteria to achieve “quality code”.
- Bör ha goda kunskaper i vilsam arkitektur vid implementering av API:er och användning av tredje parts API:er i rails-applikationer.
- Clean sheet Relational Database Design tillsammans med mycket goda SQL-kunskaper.
- Clear understanding of JQuery, Prototype, Ajax and Libraries.
- SVN eller Git versionskontroll och Rake/Capistrano Experience.
- Erfarenhet av agil utveckling, TDD/TFD och testverktyg
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